Everyone has their superpower. Mine is teaching.
I’ve been told time and again that I have an uncanny ability to help people confidently unlock their unique communication style and reach their full potential.
I love hearing this because, aside from being a parent, there’s nothing I’m more passionate about than teaching and mentoring! I thrive on seeing people step out of their comfort zones, discovering bravery, strength, and creativity they never knew they had, but that has been within them all along.
Over the years, I’ve developed a keen ability to identify the key areas where people struggle, recognize their strengths, and determine the simple, actionable tools they need to immediately enhance their communication, well-being, and overall efficacy. (My acting students call this my “Jedi mind trick!”)

What I CAN teach you:
I have seen, time and time again, that if you can communicate with confidence and read people with ease, you will excel in every aspect of your life. Being an excellent communicator builds confidence, and confidence is transformative.
I focus on the subtleties of human behavior and communication, breaking down these fundamentals for my clients. This enables them to fine-tune and elevate their own communication style, reaching their full potential both professionally and personally.
how i unlocked my superpower:
Like living and growing, unlocking one’s superpower is a fluid, evolving process. I didn’t fall into a vat of acid or get bitten by a radioactive spider, but my story is fairly dramatic nonetheless! Here’s a snapshot, but if you’d like to learn more, you can read this profile of me in People Magazine or watch this story on The Daily Blast.
- My empathy for people was born from being homeless after my paranoid schizophrenic mother kidnapped me as a child.
- My passion for justice grew from my work with children after studying political science and law.
- My fascination with communication and the human psyche was shaped by 20 years as an acting teacher.
- My unique skills that transform lives beyond the stage and screen developed from having to rebuild my own communication from the ground up after a texting driver hit me while I was riding my bike.
Today, my proprietary methodology provides transformative results to people throughout the world with simple, actionable tools that boost confidence, communication, presentation skills, and presence.
That “aha” moment when my students and clients finally get it, when things click and their lives are transformed—that’s why I do this.
When people tell you their lives have changed because of what you taught them, that’s beyond magic.
I don’t know if there’s a word for it, but it makes life on this little rock juicy, exciting, and worth every up and down.

family, films, friends and fun!
When not keynoting, facilitating workshops or writing, Eliza delights in her amazing grown-up kids: her two sons, her daughter and her nephew.
She also bikes (she still rides!), spends time with her cherished friends, talks about how to make the world better with her Dad and Mom (technically stepmom), works on the film she’s producing (Stationed At Home), and advises her treasured mentees.
She also eats carbs, lots of them, as she’s half Italian and has no choice.